Friday, October 01, 2004

What with summer a-cumin and all...

I am in need of something to cheer me up some bit. I bin watching Vaughn for a while now and I like his style. "Been there done that" in so many of the universal domestic situation comedy...



Anonymous said...

If you would like to be cheered up, realize that your summer is at the same time I'm going to be freezing my tush off. There will be snow, ice, and temperatures way below zero Fahrenheit. Add in some howling winds and it's lethal to take the garbage out. Soon, I'll have to run out to my car, stick the key in the frozen lock, start the car (if it'll start) and let it run fifteen minutes so it'll be driveable.

Please enjoy your summer.


Al said...

LB, you're a flamin' Finnish bag. (Insult retracted and profuse apologies proferred if you get the reference.) I used to run to the mailbox barefoot when it got to 30 below. That was at my parents' house in the sticks of extreme northern Cheeseheadia, when we had a 100 yard driveway. I regret to say that I haven't seen any such temps at my present home, though it gets much colder where my in-laws live - and I've been there for that.

A Minnesotan bragging like a Texan--about the cold. I couldn't be a be a native.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Al, I would never suggest that Iowa is colder than Minnesota. I know better.

Here in Iowa, we complain about the cold publicly as a way to keep people from moving here. If the gernal population of the world knew what a paradise this is, we'd be over crowded in no time. That's why we say it's a hundred degrees in summer and a hundred below in winter. We also claim to shut down the night life at 9:00 pm on Saturdays in an effort to keep people from dropping by later and drinking all our beer.
