Friday, January 26, 2007

The importance of body language...

There is a political analyst here in NZ who has drawn attention to a very small but perhaps important detail regarding SOTU, and more particularly the President himself. I do not know if this has been even noted in the US or not.

Apparently, according to this particular scribe (he was talking on radio, not in print so I can not give you a link to support this) Bush has a nervous tic of licking his top lip just before he says something that is (or might be) untrue.

He counted 49 times in SOTU that Bush licked his lip.


1 comment:

T. F. Stern said...

On this subject; but pushing it past reason I remember when one of our presidents, I think it was Nixon, visited China. As he was about to deplane the camera zoomed in for a close up and watched his first step out of the plane. The commentator made a big issue, going on and on about how the president had started with his left foot and was there some hidden meaning, some liberal agenda. It was laughable.