Tuesday, September 14, 2004

A simple, one question, general knowledge test...

For those who think that they know their "terrorism history"... and following on from my link to the granny Herald's article on terrorism, here is a quick self-analysis test for you...

Who, or what, is/was Irgun?

No, I do not need or want the answers posted as comments.

I had not heard specifically of this group before. Nor did I know what one of their prominent leaders became... but this certainly filled a couple of gaps in what I knew.


Steve Burri said...

(Nothing to do with post)
Being that we are separated by a common language, I was surprised that you seemed to know the slang term 'pigskin' referring to an American football.

The probligo said...

Probably the consequence of looking outside of my own back yard. You see things that others ignore...

Anonymous said...

Is this irgun some sort of health food? It sounds sort of like a health food thing. Or maybe something from a science fiction movie...


The probligo said...

"Is this irgun some sort of health food? It sounds sort of like a health food thing. Or maybe something from a science fiction movie...

# posted by Anonymous : 2:18 AM

Bob, I hope that you jest...

Here is a link for you. This the organisations own site. Take a look around, read some of their history and particularly the bombing of the King David Hotel.

Then think about just one name - Menachim Begin. Where have you heard that name before?

Then compare this organisation with PLO and tell me what the difference is...


Anonymous said...

Oh, those guys. Are they still up to their old tricks? I thought the Israelis had all new groups of fanatical para-military espionage groups for anything agressive.

I guess I've never been very sympathetic to the modern nation of Israel. Their belief that God once gave them the area and that the ownership is permanent has never sat well with me. Top that off with my general belief that ALL the people living in an area should get an equal vote, modern Israel hasn't shown me that they deserve respect as a nation.
(Before anyone gripes, I make a distinction between the nation called Israel and the Jewish people. I don't like Israel, but I don't care one way or the other about someone's religion. Jews, Christians, Muslims: they're all the same to me.)
